Residential Painting
Cost-Effective ServicesEliminate all the items on your to-do list by calling the experts at Beacon Painters. You'll be glad you did. We have many years of experience and work hard to make sure the job is done right while saving you time, money, and aggravation. We'll be there whenever you need us. We have many satisfied customers as references. Our goal is to add you to our extensive satisfied customer list. We look forward to hearing from you soon!Call us today to get your project underway.Our office hours are M-F: 7am-6pm
Our Residential Painting Services Include
- Ceilings
- Walls
- Trim
- Painted or varnished trim
- Trim staining
- Staining services
- Spray paint
- Restoration painting
Office & Commercial Painting
We offer the same high level of service to our commercial customers and will perform jobs on time and on budget.
Complete Painting and Wall Preparation Services
- Wallpaper removal and installations
- Removal of dust and dirt from work site
- Wall washing
- Removal of nails
- Preparing wall surfaces for primary coats
- Wall sanding and caulking
- Filling holes
- Ensuring smooth finish before painting
Drywall Repairs & Texturing
We have many years of experience performing drywall reapirs and replacement.
Our Drywall Repair Services Include
- Water damage
- Smoke damage
- Wall hole repair
- Minor patches
- Sheetrock replacement
- Popcorn ceiling removal
- Smooth texturing
- Orange peel texturing
- Acoustic texturing